So here is the total commuting stats for the month of May, only the miles recorded to and from work, that's why I'm doing this on my day off, and before the month is over with. The other miles of running errands, riding with the kids, and the very limited riding for fun I couldn't really count.
Miles ridden: 330 - that equates to 22 out of 22 days worked, 15 miles round trip. Some days I would ride extra miles to parties, baseball games, or the store, but they were all in addition to, and I couldn't count the extra miles because I don't have a computer on any of my bikes.
Times commuting by each bike:
Transport -11
FixieMonsterCross - 9
Stumpy Comp Carbon 29er - 2
Bike choice winner, the Transport! I really will do an update on the bike, I just need some time and pictures.
No flats, and except for the sheared off ATAC cleat, no mechanicals.
It is funny, the only reason I kept track of it was a contest at work. I actually ride my bike just about everyday, no matter what the weather. It was interesting to keep track of days ridden, what bike I threw my leg over, and what things I saw and songs that I sang in my head. I might do something like this time to time.
Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home -plus an undetermined distance to some picnics)
Things: A ton of people taking over the Metropark this morning, getting mad when you try and pass them on the bike path, because they have to pause talking for a second and go from 3 across to 2 across. But people outside are good.
Song in my head: The actual song in my head this morning:
But because he is Canadian, here is a good All-American song (although surprising not one you would think about on this Memorial Day) also running through the skull of mine
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home -plus an undetermined distance to some picnics)
Things: A ton of people taking over the Metropark this morning, getting mad when you try and pass them on the bike path, because they have to pause talking for a second and go from 3 across to 2 across. But people outside are good.
Song in my head: The actual song in my head this morning:
But because he is Canadian, here is a good All-American song (although surprising not one you would think about on this Memorial Day) also running through the skull of mine
Rode: FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Lots of people enjoying the actual nice weather we have.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Lots of people enjoying the actual nice weather we have.
Song in my head:
Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: NOT cool at all, it was a frickin' tri-geek parade down in the park.
Song in my head: In memory of Gil Scott-Heron
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: NOT cool at all, it was a frickin' tri-geek parade down in the park.
Song in my head: In memory of Gil Scott-Heron
Rode: FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, and I rode home)
Cool things: The river fords were closed due to flooding from the rain a few days ago. The road was closed so the Metropark workers could clean the debris from the ford and clean the mud off of the road. I'm riding on the road, and I have to get off the road because of the men powerwashing the ford, I had to cut back to the bike trail, turned to quick onto the mud and fell over on my right side into the weeds. Left foot, unclipped, right foot unclip, and walk to the bike path and try to clip back in, left foot OK, right foot no go:
cleat ripped right out of my shoe. Not only the cleat, but the threads right out of the plate, two gaping holes. Of course, no extra ATAC cleats at work, and I have to turn the plate on the inside of my Sidi's around, because the plate is much smaller than the Shimano plates found in every other shoe. And I have to switch to Shimano pedals because that is what we have in the demo bin. Crap, at least I'll be getting some new shoes soon.
Song in my head: Not from the ride to work, but because Terry was whistling it today.
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, and I rode home)
Cool things: The river fords were closed due to flooding from the rain a few days ago. The road was closed so the Metropark workers could clean the debris from the ford and clean the mud off of the road. I'm riding on the road, and I have to get off the road because of the men powerwashing the ford, I had to cut back to the bike trail, turned to quick onto the mud and fell over on my right side into the weeds. Left foot, unclipped, right foot unclip, and walk to the bike path and try to clip back in, left foot OK, right foot no go:

Song in my head: Not from the ride to work, but because Terry was whistling it today.
my day off
At about 1.5 hours before closing the shop last night, we found out that there was a tornado warning, and about 30 seconds after that, the rain and wind and hail began. 20 minutes later, it was gone. Nothing too much exciting after that, and at 8 o'clock when the work day ended, it was calm and warm. Dropping into the park, the signs of the wind and rain could be seen, branches and trees down, rivers of runoff flowing down the roads, but nothing horrible. The ride home was mostly uneventful, but at about 2 miles from home, I could see the damage becoming more concentrated. I got off the bike path to the road, and saw two huge trees blocking the bike path, luckily they were a good 500 feet back from the road, or the road would have been shut down. Getting into town, lights were out, branches ripped off of their mothers, trees toppled. My house was safe, but other houses on the street had branches and trees down. Except for me forgetting to close the window on my side of the bed, everything was good and dry.
Woke up this morning to a phone call that school had been closed, some of the schools had no power or phones. Got the kids up, watched some TV, and then went out on bike to explore the damage. Owen was concerned that some of his neighbors might be in trouble. Down the street, listened as chainsaws cut trees up, watched as lines got put back up on poles, and just got to ride around. One of my friends had some damage to his house, so I decided to see if I could give him any help with the house. Down into the park, backtracked and re-routed because of some downed trees, saw some house damage, and over to TimBob's house, to find him at work. Oh well, did some sight seeing by the waterfalls, saw one of the damaged trees I saw across the path last night get cut down, and back home. The three of us had a great day. Hope you did too.
Woke up this morning to a phone call that school had been closed, some of the schools had no power or phones. Got the kids up, watched some TV, and then went out on bike to explore the damage. Owen was concerned that some of his neighbors might be in trouble. Down the street, listened as chainsaws cut trees up, watched as lines got put back up on poles, and just got to ride around. One of my friends had some damage to his house, so I decided to see if I could give him any help with the house. Down into the park, backtracked and re-routed because of some downed trees, saw some house damage, and over to TimBob's house, to find him at work. Oh well, did some sight seeing by the waterfalls, saw one of the damaged trees I saw across the path last night get cut down, and back home. The three of us had a great day. Hope you did too.

Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Saw a mink crossing the road near a river ford with a dead rodent in its mouth. This is the second time that I have seen a mink at this part of the park.
Song in my head: without Kirk
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Saw a mink crossing the road near a river ford with a dead rodent in its mouth. This is the second time that I have seen a mink at this part of the park.
Song in my head: without Kirk
owen's game
Owen is our sweet, young man. He is polite, funny, smart, and as we found out, a tough little guy also. Owen is trying to figure out what sport he likes to play best, so he is trying out a bunch of them - soccer, karate, football, basketball, and now baseball. This is his first year with "Coach Pitch", a machine throws the ball over the plate, each batter has five balls. I have to say I'm a proud dad - 2 for 2, an RBI, scored one, recorded an out at second, and while playing shortstop, took a one bouncer that he didn't see to the upper lip/nose. Blood gushing, crying, he came out, got the bleeding stopped, and went in the next inning to play catcher. We are very proud of him.
End of gushing over my child.
End of gushing over my child.
Rode: FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: I didn't see much, a pretty boring ride in to work, and I needed to get home fast, so I didn't look around much.
Song in my head: Didn't have one swimming around in there, but here is a favorite
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: I didn't see much, a pretty boring ride in to work, and I needed to get home fast, so I didn't look around much.
Song in my head: Didn't have one swimming around in there, but here is a favorite
Rode: Stumpy Comp Carbon
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Not much, running pretty late, but there was a paceline of about 6 or 7 roadies with aerobars trying to do the Team Time Trial event. It doesn't work when one person is on a Hybrid and the rest of you are on tri-bikes. Except for the lady off the back.
Song in my head for the second time, must have been all this talk about the end of the world:
Sorry its late, but it was busy first thing in the morning when I got to work.
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Not much, running pretty late, but there was a paceline of about 6 or 7 roadies with aerobars trying to do the Team Time Trial event. It doesn't work when one person is on a Hybrid and the rest of you are on tri-bikes. Except for the lady off the back.
Song in my head for the second time, must have been all this talk about the end of the world:
Sorry its late, but it was busy first thing in the morning when I got to work.
split lip rayfield
Split Lip Rayfield is a great band. Ever since I heard one of their songs, I was hooked. The blend of bluegrass, punk, and country made them an interesting listen. I got to see them a few times (I don't see many bands live, just not something I want to spend my money on), and each show was awesome.
I was lucky enough to see them on their last few weeks of the last tour that Kirk was around. It was an show filled with energy and a little bit of sadness, knowing this would be the last time Kirk would be on tour. Check out the trailer for the new documentary:
Visit the website for the movie Never Make It Home and check out the band's website and Kirk's site also.
I was lucky enough to see them on their last few weeks of the last tour that Kirk was around. It was an show filled with energy and a little bit of sadness, knowing this would be the last time Kirk would be on tour. Check out the trailer for the new documentary:
Split Lip Rayfield: Never Make It Home from BionicFilms on Vimeo.
Visit the website for the movie Never Make It Home and check out the band's website and Kirk's site also.
Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Nothing really, a lot of walkers out this morning
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Nothing really, a lot of walkers out this morning
Song in my head:
Rode: FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: The greenness of the park.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: The greenness of the park.
Song in my head:
Rode: Hunter FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Things: It was cold, I saw my breath the whole ride in, and had on wool gloves and a Ibex Meru hat. Fine misty rain was a gorgeous way of starting the day - really was. I'm starting to think that I've been transported to Scotland or Ireland with all this rain.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Things: It was cold, I saw my breath the whole ride in, and had on wool gloves and a Ibex Meru hat. Fine misty rain was a gorgeous way of starting the day - really was. I'm starting to think that I've been transported to Scotland or Ireland with all this rain.
Song in my head:
Rode: Hunter FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: The amount of logs and other floating objects in the muddy, swollen river. And the small spider web next to the door of the port-a-potty.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: The amount of logs and other floating objects in the muddy, swollen river. And the small spider web next to the door of the port-a-potty.
Song in my head:
Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Big earth moving machines cleaning the river fords of logs, rocks, and mud from the flooding last night.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Big earth moving machines cleaning the river fords of logs, rocks, and mud from the flooding last night.
Song in my head:
ride home
Last night, I rode home from work with about 3 months worth of plastic and glass recyclables.

All of my day's stuff on the drive side rack of the Transport, all the recyclables on the non-drive side rack. The bag was heavy, about 25 pounds or so (March and April was kind of crappy - lots of bottles), and it caused the bike to want to tip over on the double legged kickstand. Riding, not bad at all - didn't feel like there was too much flex at all in the backend. I think that all the worry about the bike not handling well loaded up was so far unwarented. We'll see in the long run. Do wish that Trek provided a second set of clevis pins for the back of the fold down racks, would provide some more support and cut down on the rattling.

All of my day's stuff on the drive side rack of the Transport, all the recyclables on the non-drive side rack. The bag was heavy, about 25 pounds or so (March and April was kind of crappy - lots of bottles), and it caused the bike to want to tip over on the double legged kickstand. Riding, not bad at all - didn't feel like there was too much flex at all in the backend. I think that all the worry about the bike not handling well loaded up was so far unwarented. We'll see in the long run. Do wish that Trek provided a second set of clevis pins for the back of the fold down racks, would provide some more support and cut down on the rattling.
not today
Didn't get out for a ride today. Woke up kind of late this morning, so the wife went out for a little run/walk. Too many errands at too far a distance apart through too many busy construction sites and no way of pulling the Burley with the Transport. Maybe I'll get a really early start in the morning and get some miles in before work.
On the weather front, it hasn't rained for a few days, and it has been sunnyish and warmer. May be able to get out on the trails on Thursday. I'll write about it if I do - or don't
Not much else going on. More later.....
On the weather front, it hasn't rained for a few days, and it has been sunnyish and warmer. May be able to get out on the trails on Thursday. I'll write about it if I do - or don't
Not much else going on. More later.....
Rode: Hunter FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Interesting things: The Sun! And a bunch of men waiting in their cars, looking around nervously in a parking lot notorious for men looking for men.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Interesting things: The Sun! And a bunch of men waiting in their cars, looking around nervously in a parking lot notorious for men looking for men.
Song in my head:
Rode: Stumpy Comp Carbon
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: A buck deer, standing on the side of the trail, antler buds starting to break through. A lady, dressed in all dark colors, in full sunlight and sunglasses, with front and rear blinking lights, riding on a closed in bike path.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: A buck deer, standing on the side of the trail, antler buds starting to break through. A lady, dressed in all dark colors, in full sunlight and sunglasses, with front and rear blinking lights, riding on a closed in bike path.
Song in my head:
Rode: Transport
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Besides the sun, nothing really of note. Oh, I saw a "guy" walking his cat on a leash.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home)
Cool things: Besides the sun, nothing really of note. Oh, I saw a "guy" walking his cat on a leash.
Song in my head:
Rode: Hunter FixieMonsterCross
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home - unless I get MMW tickets for tonight)
Cool things: Not much - just the SUN! Just a good warm ride to work.
Song in my head:
Mileage: 15 (7.5 this morning, I plan on riding home - unless I get MMW tickets for tonight)
Cool things: Not much - just the SUN! Just a good warm ride to work.
Song in my head:
stumpy comp carbon 29er

First the basics, FACT 8m carbon frame, Reba RLT, 2x10 Sram drivetrain, 17.5" with pedals and bottlecage - 24 pounds. I'm guessing that with the barends and underseat bag, not much more than 24.75 pounds. Not bad for someone who doesn't give a crud about the weight, but it still is awesome.

Side view of the head tube area. Sexy. Stiff. Smooth.

11-36 cassette with a X9 rear derailleur. Nice wide range, with only one big gap I've noticed that I would like a step in between. Look how sexy the lines on the carbon frame are.

Post mount rear Elixir R SL brake, 160mm rotor front and rear. Again, check out the lines on the frame.

First impressions? This bike is great, on the road. I really don't know how it is going to work yet off road, but the stiff bottom bracket and front end is inspiring confidence that the bike will handle like a dream. The seatstays are pretty compliant for running my tires at 70psi on the road. Should feel loads better in the dirt. The only real thing left to do for the bike is to get some knobbier tires and wait for the trails to dry out.
More to come...
morningr ride
No work today, but got out for a 20 mile ride this morning on the Stumpy Carbon 29er. Not on dirt unfortunately, but on the bike path. It was cold, toes are still trying to thaw out. Good ride, especially when the sun came out. Try to get some pictures of the Stumpy on the blog today.
Have a good one.
Have a good one.
not today
Not riding today, I have off from work, and its cold, rainy, and I have to go grocery shopping and maybe getting a new computer tower to replace this 6 or 7 year old one. Also picking up the new Beastie Boys cd, been listening to it live streaming on the interwebs, and it is pretty damn good.
Another reason I'm not riding today? I still haven't figured out how to transport the 2 year old with the Transport. I think I have figured out on how to pull a Burley trailer, it involves a plate of aluminum some U-bolts, some nuts and a big honkin' boult. I'm looking for an old chair to convert to a seat for the top of the back rack on the Transport.
I was hoping to have some pictures today of the Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29er, but I was too busy taking care of organizational things at the shop last night to take some. Hopefully soon, and if I get this computer thing done, I can take pictures with a digital camera, and have them uploaded. Better quality of pictures (not better pictures - that is my lack of talent) and not have to destroy my cell phone battery.
How to change an innertube:

Til tomorrow, with more exciting information about my commute to work.
Another reason I'm not riding today? I still haven't figured out how to transport the 2 year old with the Transport. I think I have figured out on how to pull a Burley trailer, it involves a plate of aluminum some U-bolts, some nuts and a big honkin' boult. I'm looking for an old chair to convert to a seat for the top of the back rack on the Transport.
I was hoping to have some pictures today of the Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29er, but I was too busy taking care of organizational things at the shop last night to take some. Hopefully soon, and if I get this computer thing done, I can take pictures with a digital camera, and have them uploaded. Better quality of pictures (not better pictures - that is my lack of talent) and not have to destroy my cell phone battery.
How to change an innertube:

Til tomorrow, with more exciting information about my commute to work.
transport pics
Transport as it is today, still haven't gotten the new stem in yet, but here is some pictures. Sorry about the crappy pictures, taken with my cell phone.

Side view, kind of a boring picture, but you can see the river starting to get near road level. I expect it to be covering the road on the way home tonight.
The back view of the Transport. One can see both bags, the rear fender, the 26x2.0 tire, Danger Zone, and my underseat bag.

Front view. Front rack, huge tire, handlebars and bell. I'll get better pictures of the stem, shifter and brake lever set-up, as well as the front light mount when the new stem comes in.

Side view, kind of a boring picture, but you can see the river starting to get near road level. I expect it to be covering the road on the way home tonight.

Front view. Front rack, huge tire, handlebars and bell. I'll get better pictures of the stem, shifter and brake lever set-up, as well as the front light mount when the new stem comes in.
Rode to work today, as usual. May is National Bike Month, so to encourage more riders, going to put a listing of what I did by bike that day. And write a little summary of the ride.
Rode the Transport today, 15 miles round trip. Saw a bald eagle getting chased by a red shouldered hawk, and a male Mallard sleeping in the swamp area. Song stuck in my head:
Rode the Transport today, 15 miles round trip. Saw a bald eagle getting chased by a red shouldered hawk, and a male Mallard sleeping in the swamp area. Song stuck in my head:
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