
happy holiday

To one and all, no matter what your religious affiliation is, Merry Christmas.  The meaning of this specific holiday is holy to a group of religions, but the idea of Peace, Love, Happiness, and Family is universal to all groups of people.  Some make it about the materialistic things, some make it about "joy" they feel from the holiday, only to forget about it days later.  I'm spending it with my family - my wife and two kids, my parents, mother-in-law, and my wife's great grandfather. The kids will be spoiled with gifts - grandparents do that sort of thing, but I'm trying to make it much more than that to them.  Its hard, but I'm trying to instill the ideas that by caring for your fellow man, no matter who they are or where they are from, everyday, is the greatest thing you can give another being.  And knowing that, and teaching others, is the greatest gift you can give your parents.

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